Clopper, Brian – Hugh Among Us!

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Hugh Among Us!

How much is an interesting concept worth these days? The idea behind this series might end up being a great thing, or it might end up being a mildly interesting thing. So far I’m curious to see more. The idea here is that various creatures from our imagination and fables have started to become real in our world. There’s a group of these creatures whose sole purpose seems to be finding other “figments” and rounding them up and keeping their existence a secret. This is only an ashcan of a larger graphic novel, but it does a great job of building interest. Quite a colorful bunch of characters, most of which seem to have long term potential in terms of story possibilities. The names of the characters are kind of, um, stupid, but the tone of the series so far is light-hearted and jovial, so I guess it’s good that he’s not taking himself too seriously. Here are some names if you don’t believe me: Stitched Witch, See-All Cyclops, Totally Werewolf, and Inspector Spector. There’s also an incredibly handy interview with the creator in the back of the book that tells us that he plans on doing one 60-90 page graphic novel a year instead of publishing in comic format (mostly because of the cost and the difficulties in marketing a second issue of a series. Anyway, check out his website for more info. The issue is $3, which is a bit much for an ashcan but it looks great.

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