Null & Void #5
I didn’t like this one as much as the other ones, and I think it’s for a fairly simple reason: it was all set in a house. I know, the title of the story indicated that that would be the case, and it was interesting, it just seemed like there wasn’t much going on. And the spelling errors, they are easily fixed. Really. Just have somebody else read it before you print it or do a spellcheck (and I don’t mean to single Donovan out, as there weren’t THAT many spelling errors, it’s just such a simple thing to fix). The story is that Nigel and Jack have a pretty typical day, with Nigel’s Grandma giving him a hard time because a female friend of his stays at his house to get away from her abusive mother and Jack fighting with his sister. Some funny dialogue and the art just keeps getting better, with the exception (WARNING: EXTREME PICKINESS ALERT) of one panel where Jack has a bunch of oddly-drawn bubbles surrounding his head. This is one of those comics that’s better read in clumps rather than single issues, but it’s still a good book. Contact info is up there…