Brookes, Gareth – Man Man and Friends #4

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Man Man and Friends #4

It’s a testament to Gareth’s skills that he’s able to keep this series fresh and interesting.  I mean, a stick figure man and his friends, talking about life and relationships, and managing to never get preachy of annoying?  That’s takes talent.  Once again I had a hard time picking out just one sample, and once again I laughed out loud more than a few times.  Stories in here include the shitting ghost getting startled, man man deciding to make woman woman instigate sex for once, a couple of hilarious bits about things his mother said when he was a kid versus what she says about the same things now, trying to meet up outside a mall when they all look exactly the same, ra man “saving” a party with weed, Mr. Shit, unhappy lawnmowers, and one of the pitfalls of speed dating.  There’s also a page where Gareth draws things that are not stick-related (it turns out he’s quite good at it) and quite possibly the highlight of the strip: the vicious triangle of alcohol, work and women.  At this point I’ve been talking up this series for years, so at least a few of you have already checked out his work, but for those of you who haven’t: send the man some money and buy some of his comics.  It’s stuff like this that made me want to do the website in the first place.  He also sent along a couple of “regular” mini comics, which I’ll be getting to in the coming weeks.  They can’t possibly be as funny as these minis… right?


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