Publish Your Own 8-Page Mini Comic!!
I finally went over to Marek’s website and the man doesn’t look anything like what I figured. Not that anybody ever does when you see their work before you see the person, but I half expected a being of pure light and goodness, and he looks like a regular guy to me. Odd. This is, obviously, a how-to book when it comes to making mini comic. I had a different method back in the day (yes, I once made comics. No, they will never see the light of day), but this one works just fine. Marek has a whole line of these little things, all basically touting the general awesomeness of mini comics, and more power to him. Spend about $5, get the lot of these for the artistic kid in your life, or just get this one if you want to know a simple, practical way to put one of these things together. If you’re looking for death and destruction, you’ll probably want to wander off to other pages on this website…