True Stories Swear to God #6
Tom Beland’s mini was nominated for an Ignatz award for best mini comic last year, and that’s one of those instances where the line of what is and isn’t a mini gets kind of blurry. This title is basically a collection of the newspaper-style strip that he does. They’re mostly funny in a non-offensive kind of way, but they hardly hold together enough to win an award for the best mini comic of the year. All that being said, this is an OK book. It puts a smile on my face and keeps it there. If you’re looking for a unique experience (and there are a lot of them out in mini comic land) then you might want to avoid this, or at least wait to buy it until you’re rich. If you’re looking for an amusing title that you can read and just be amused for the time that you’re reading it, this might be for you.
E-mail Tom Beland (he says that he answers all his e-mails)
Check out his site to see some of his strips, maybe you’ll like them and a bunch of them are free
If you want to order any of his books, #1-6 are available for $2.25 each from:
True Stories, Swear to God PO Box 9020278
Old San Juan Station San Juan, Puerto Rico, 00902