The Moldy Bagels
You know, I don’t think Suzanne is capable of making a mini comic that isn’t at least mildly amusing.  This is from 1998, proving that she keeps herself in some sort of cryogenic stasis when not attending cons, as she looks exactly the same as the first time I bought a few of her minis. This time around the story is about a young woman who wakes up and prepares to make a bagel. Sadly all of the bagels are moldy, she has a breakfast of cream cheese and runs off to the park to feed the bagels to the birds. The birds end up getting more than a little excited by the feast and end up inadvertently helping the woman out. This is almost a silent comic, with the few words coming (appropriately enough) like they were done in the old silent movies, with blocks of letters describing the action after every half dozen panels or so. It’s a really engaging way of telling the story and made me wonder why more people haven’t tried doing their silent comic like this. It’s worth checking out, although as always you’d probably be better off just sending her $5 and asking for a pile of minis. $1