Anderson, Chris – Try Adventure #1


Also a website


Try Adventure #1

More often than not “#1” in the small press world means “the only issue ever”.  I’m really hoping that’s not the case with this one.  Chris sent me a pile of comics, so you’ll be seeing plenty more of his stuff in the weeks to come, and the pessimist in me says that there’s no way they’ll all be this good.  First off, kudos on the package, as he left a nice illustration on the envelope and, just as I was about to start raging about a lack of contact info, I saw an envelope marked “secrets”.  Well, I won’t go into all the details of what was inside, but it also included two websites.  Really, he already won me over with the packaging, making the first comic I grabbed out of the pile amazing was just a bonus.  This mini has three adventures, each more awesome than the last, except for the fact that the middle story was the best.  First up is the tale of a rogue chronomancer who travels through time doing… something.  He spends most of the story (after our hero gets shot and tended to by a nurse from olden times) explaining who he is and what he does, and Chris managed to make the whole thing more of less make sense before ending the story.  Next up is Lady Girl, the story of a mild-mannered librarian who can turn into a superhero who happens to be a homicidal lunatic who still talks like a mild-mannered librarian.  Her confrontation with the boss behind the big bank robbery is a thing of beauty and pretty much everything she says is both hilarious and horrifying.  Finally there’s the tale of Barry the Barbarian, who goes to the rescue of the local village (with his giant bunny steed) mostly so he can talk to this girl he likes who is seeing another man.  Awkwardness ensues, and really, who does call themselves Michael and not Mike?  All told it’s an excellent issue, Chris does some really expressive work with faces considering that the artwork is overall a bit minimalistic.  No price, but let’s say $2 and I can’t wait to get to the rest of the stuff in this pile…



Everything #2 (with Mark Hensley)

I can’t tell you how happy I am to discover that this is an ongoing series.  Oh, I knew there was a second issue, I just figured that it would be a completely different story, as how could they follow up that first issue?  Quite capably, as it turns out.  Things start off this time with you trying to relax (still in your ankylosaurus form) after a successful concert.  Naturally, there’s too much action in your life for relaxation to be successful, and somebody takes a shot at you.  The bullets, however, are liquid bullets, and you know exactly who tried to kill you.  This leads you to seek out Dr. Jambo, as he can tell you what the story is behind your amulet.  Still, you have to make it to him, and the people hijacking the plane have their own plans.  Again, this is the first half dozen pages or so of the story, and again, I can’t bring myself to spoil much more.  OK, a few more things: your father (Mike Tyson) returns from the future to settle the score, and you also go into the internet.  Physically, that is.   I forgot to mention in the last review that Chris and Mark are taking requests, as this is the comic that has everything, so any suggestion you send along may very well be in the next issue.  And oh, there will certainly be a next issue if that cliffhanger is any indication.  There’s still no price, I still think $2 sounds about right, and I still think that if any rich people are reading this they should give them $2000 instead in exchange for them making more of these forever and ever.

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