Alixopulos, Trevor – Quagga #4


Quagga #4

“Odd Tales” indeed. What better way to describe a book with a ton of short stories in it? I’d heard more than a little bit about this guy, so I was thrilled to get his latest at SPX03 and I have to say that I liked most of it. Hey, that’s the nature of putting a bunch of stories in a book. Lots of one page gag strips, which were pretty solid, but the longest story in here was “Venereal Equinox”, a meandering tale about war, power, Halloween and philosophy. I don’t mean “meandering” to be too negative, it just seemed a bit dreamy. Liked the overall message though, not that I’m going to tell you guys or anything. The middle of the book is “Urban Pest Gallery”, a collection of the oddballs who apparently harass Trevor (or does he just prefer “Alixopulos”?) regularly. You can’t go wrong with funny, insightful comics. As for “The Posieville Posse”, I just didn’t get it. There, I said it. Maybe other issues would have helped, maybe my mind was wandering, but it didn’t do much for me. Then there are a few short pieces at the end with random humor and violence, and you end up with a pretty good book. It’s $2, e-mail the man or just go here to get that and most everything else that is good in the world of comics…

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