What can I say about Jessica Abel that I haven’t said already? I’ve been wondering what she’s been doing as far as comics go, and it looks like I finally have my answer. This is projected to be a 200 page mystery and it gets off to a good start. For my money she’s the best of the “kind of autobiographical but mostly just stuff I made up” school. There’s probably a better term for that out there too but I summed it up pretty well. It’s the story of Carla, a young woman in her late teens, moving to Mexico more or less for the hell of it. She had a few reasons, sure, but it was more out of not having anyplace better to go than anything else. She meets up with a (sort of) ex-boyfriend and stays with him, which is something that he wasn’t counting on. I’m not really sure what the mystery of this whole thing is. It hasn’t gotten that far along yet. Still, I have yet to see anything bad by Jessica and this is no exception. Everything she has done so far has been a treat and I’m really looking forward to this one. Here’s hoping she can put this out on a consistent basis…