Bilyeu, Chad & de Wit, Juliette

Website (Chad)
Website (Juliette)

The Re-Up #5

You know how sometimes when you’re watching a great show, you’ll notice that in the middle of a season you’ll get an episode or two that contribute to the greater story but don’t have a whole lot to say on their own? You still need them for the complete picture, but there just isn’t that much to talk about after the episode is over. Welcome to The Re-Up #5! Things happen, but nothing too serious, and the story continues. I’ve established that I’m hooked on the series overall by now, right? Good. So what’s there to say… that “buried” statue in the sand makes a hell of an impressive wraparound cover. Things start off in the issue itself with Chad dropping a class and making a much larger monetary commitment to dealing, which I’m sure will come into play later. We see his “base” (i.e. the apartment for a couple of college girls who let him do his thing while they hang out), we get some possibly significant foreshadowing of how the other weed dealer in town is pretty pissed at him, and we see how he’s able to get out of a situation where the cops pull up right behind the car as he’s making his drop. It’s to the perpetually late lady, and I’m honestly curious what his plan was to get out of that if she hadn’t taken the lead. So yes, all around another solid issue, it moves the plot forward a bit and it probably won’t be one of the issues that sticks to my brain when it’s all said and done. And there’s nothing wrong with that in a long series where the issues come out on a consistent basis like this. $8 (or get the set up the first six through the link)

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