Bilyeu, Chad & de Wit, Juliette – The Re-Up #4

Website (Chad)

Website (Juliette)

The Re-Up #4

I’m happy to report that this series is rolling right along (this is me after attending Cartoon Crossroads ’24). I picked up the next three issues of the series and Chad said that they’re working on #9 already, so if you were holding off on checking this one out until making sure that it wasn’t going to become yet another promising series that flamed out and disappeared… yeah, I think they’ve passed that point. Go back to read the older reviews if you need to get caught up (or better yet, just get the comics), but this time around we get some insight into how much all of his dealing is affecting Chad’s classes. He’s taken aside by his Buddhist Religious Thought professor and asked why his work has been slipping so much lately. Side note: apparently his professor was in the religion episode of Ali G way back in the early aughts, so now I have to watch my Ali G DVD of that episode. Yeah, can you believe that the guy who only reviews physical comics still has physical media? Shocking! Anyway, during their conversation we see a flashback into what exactly it is that’s been keeping him from focusing on his studies, and it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise to see that it’s mostly due to him making $1000 a week or so dealing. Which is still real money now, but 20+ years ago that would clearly take precedence over his classes. We see a wide range of his customers: a student who insists that he’ll be a senator some day (I’d love to see an update on that kid), a group of students studying who just need to relax, one who’s all business, one who tries to make a game of it by having Chad choose which hand the money is in, etc. They all do seem to be united in saying that Chad’s code system (having people call or text saying that they need t-shirts) was stupid, which Chad solved by… making up some t-shirts and literally giving them out with the weed. Kind of a genius move, honestly, and the shirts were against a rival school, so there’d be no reason for them to cause suspicion. An ongoing saga throughout the comic is him waiting for one customer who repeatedly pushes off their meet-up, and still ends up being several hours late. Which is a gigantic hassle for him, obviously, but it turns out that she’s his best client, which makes it tough for him to make any ultimatums for her. There are also a few treats in the back of the comic, as he reveals his transcript (just in case anybody was worried about whether or not he dropped out) and has another funny and informative afterward. He’s looking for letters to fill that space, but honestly I’m enjoying the informal chat feeling of it. Get caught up, read the series, is what I say. He’s also selling a bundle of the first 6 issues to make it easy on yourself. $9

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