Berry, Brandon – Cat #1


Cat #1

I’ve been sick for the last week and a half, so please bear with me as I try to remember how this reviewing thing is supposed to work. Why yes, I have been doing this for over 21 years now and it should be second nature, but hey shut up. Quick, take a look at that cover and build a mental image for yourself on what the comic is going to be like. Done? What did you guess? Was it fluffy? This is actually the story of a secret agent cat who’s given a “big” job to do by what looks like a Christmas tree with a cat head. we learn a little more about it, but not much, and we learn that our hero is mostly doing this because he’s expecting a big payout. So maybe he’s a mercenary and not a secret agent? We also see that a dog cop is in hot pursuit of him later, so yeah, maybe he is a crook. Things end on a delightful if baffling cliffhanger, and this is a damned solid first issue of a series. Just enough hints to get the reader intrigued, with promises of more to come. So hey, it’s a good thing that he sent along the first four issues of the series, right? Still, if you’re not afraid of a little risk, Brandon’s art is always welcome and there’s more than enough for you to give in and buy an issue to check it out. For the more cautious types out there, I’m sure more reviews are coming, so just stay tuned! Which is a thing I wonder if younger people even understand, as far as phrases go. See? I should have wrapped this up a few sentences ago. Rusty! $5

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