Fink, Jess – We Can Fix It!



We Can Fix It

Are you one of those people who can’t let go of inconsistencies in time travel stories no matter how many times you’re told to relax about it and just enjoy the ride? Then you should probably skip this one and spend some quiet time thinking about how joyless your life has become. For the rest of us, this is a ridiculously funny/sexy/poignant story. About time travel. Jess has decided (I have no idea of the differences between fictional Jess and real life Jess so I’m going to assume that they’re exactly the same) that she should use her time travel machine to go back and give her younger self advice to avoid some of her more humiliating moments. It starts off with her warning her younger self not to make advances towards the manager at the movie theater, which leads to the two versions of Jess making out with each other. No, this is not even remotely portrayed as an odd thing. Anyway, Jess keeps going back to different versions of herself and offering advice, but her younger selves are getting increasingly fed up about being told what to do (or avoid doing) all the time and future Jess often ends up doing as much harm as good. So, seeking advice, she goes to… even more future Jess. Yes, this book is all over the place, but it’s a delight all the way through, and there’s a pretty great message of what you should actually be looking for if you do decide to use your time travel machine to go back and spy on your past selves. And when I say that it’s all over the place, I should make it perfectly clear that this is plotted as tightly as humanly possible, it’s just that there’s a finite amount of time travel that you can deal with in one story before your head starts to spin. This is one of those books that makes me want to go back and read everything else she’s ever done, as Jess clearly has this whole comics thing figured out and I’m the asshole for not hearing about her sooner. Good luck reading this without getting seriously nostalgic for both the good times in your past and the bad. Yes, the bad too, as there was plenty to learn from those moments, and some of them weren’t as bad as you remember. Read it, love it, and hope that she’s as prolific as she is talented because I can’t wait to see more from her. $14.95


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