Brain, Bird – Bird Brain #1


Bird Brain #1

Oh, kids today and their making of comics. I’m assuming that the name of the gentleman who made this comic is not actually “bird brain” (although it may be the name he’s going by to make comics, which is… interesting) but, as he didn’t bother to put his name anywhere in here and it’s not listed on his blog, that’s what he’s going to be called until he corrects me. Also, for the love of all that is sweet and holy, “you’re” = “you are.” Just learn that shit. Isn’t it odd what it takes to get me in a bad mood? Once again, this is even more annoying because it’s a pretty nice comic overall, and little things like that are fixed so very easily. This is a collection of short pieces, and this seems to be the first comic produced by Mr. Brain, which makes bits of it even more impressive. The first story (detailing the “special place” of the main character and how it was his only oasis of calm) seemed like an entirely pointless story right up until the last story tied in with it, which transformed it instantly into a much better piece. Then there’s the piece sampled below, which didn’t really seem to go anywhere, but hey, it worked nicely as a sample. Next is a story of a robot head who was finally reunited with his robot body with less than the anticipated results. Funny bits, robot realizing the boring crap that regular people have to do every day, nothing to complain about here. The story about the couple trying to figure out which car belonged to the punk kid before he got into it took a bit too long to get to the punchline, but at least it was a good one. The “Teenagers” bit also seemed pointless, which meant that the author pulled another fast one on me, as it did tie in at the end. Finally there’s the best story of the bunch, a sasquatch story written by Chris White. A man gets a flat tire in the wilderness, sasquatch comes to his aid and they have a nice conversation about it. The ending of that one got an audible chuckle or two out of me, so kudos to the both of them. No complaints about the art at all, as the artist had been to the Sequential Artists Workshop and this looks really polished for a first comic. Once this guy fixes up the few obvious problems I mentioned earlier he could really be onto something here. Oh, and as a cat owner, the back cover with the method to prevents cats from interrupting you while you’re drawing was fantastic. No price listed, but this sure looks nice, so $4?

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