Higley, Nate – Photocopied Hearts #5


Photocopied Hearts #5

This seems to be a tough day to figure out the titles for the books for some reason. Sure, it’s called Photocopied Hearts, but there’s no clue on the inside as to what number it is, except the first story is titled #5… but the #5 on his website doesn’t look anything like this and is an anthology. Not that you care about any of this, but now you know. This is collection of stories, which are kind of all over the place. That can be a good sign or a bad sign, but it seems to show off his range in this one. The first story is about a man having a conversation with a friend on the street, and if I tell you more than that I’ll ruin it and it was a great conversation, so forget that. Then you have a girl who’s living on the streets and has a sanctuary of a public bathroom, mostly considering her life and seeing where she’s at. Next is the creepy story of the only Jew ever lynched in the US, and one more shortie about Jeffrey Dahmer going to the grocery store. This kept me interested the whole time and I loved the smudgy realism of the art. Let’s call it $5, check out the website and maybe you can figure out which issue this is…

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