Yeo Jr., John – Battlefield #2


Battlefield #2

Oh small press comic collaborations, you are adorable. Last time around John was writing and Dru Daily was illustrating, and you’d think that they’d be able to figure out a schedule to make that work for a five issue mini series. Alas, you’d be wrong, as Dru has already become too busy with other things, and now  it’s John illustrating and writing. Am I naive in thinking that it would be best to have at least a couple of issues completed before starting a project like this, which I’ll again point out is a small, finite series? It makes no sense, and the shift in art is going to be glaring by the time the collected edition comes out, assuming that John doesn’t also find himself with other obligations. Dru’s work was in more of an anime style, and it seems like John is trying to copy that style a bit (which he admits in his afterword), which probably isn’t the best solution. From samples on his website it looks like John already has his own style and maybe he should stick with that for the rest of the series. In terms of the story things pick up considerably this time around, as we get to learn a lot more about the various characters and their motivations (and the shadowy people behind the whole tournament and THEIR motivations), but I do have to say that it seems like a bad idea to kill off the character that we get to know the best by the end of the book. Surprising, yes, but this is a finite series and that time might have been better spent learning  more about the six remaining survivors. As we’ve already learned that only one of these people can survive, this looks to be leading to a bloodbath in the final issues. Still, complaints aside, I am getting interested in the overarching story and exactly what’s going on. What can I say, when I see vaguely nefarious people stealing the eyeballs of the dead tournament contestants, I want to see where that’s leading. So if you liked the first issue this one builds on that nicely, but be prepared for a jarring shift in the artwork. $3

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