H., Eric – Chickenbot’s Odd Jobs #3 – The Chicken Who Loved Me Part 1


Chickenbot’s Odd Jobs #3 – The Chicken Who Loved Me Part 1

Finally, Chickenbot gets to pick a cool job! After suffering through some dangerous and awkward temp jobs, Chickenbot walks into the temp agency and sees “Spy” as an option. He can’t resist, naturally, and us readers end up with what is the most completely satisfying Chickenbot tale yet. Don’t get me wrong, all of them have had their moments, and it would be a stretch to call any of them bad. This one just has the feeling of an artist that is hitting his stride with a character, and kudos to Eric for putting these issues out so quickly while still increasing the quality of his art each time around. That’s a formula for good things happening, if there is any justice in the world.  There’s not, you say? Well crap. At least he still gets the satisfaction of making a great comic, and the rest of us get the satisfaction of reading it. Back to the story! Chickenbot gets acquainted with all the doodads that spies get to play with and learns of his mission to meet with an informant about a plot to poison chocolate. Naturally his informant is assassinated just before he gets to the good part, so Chickenbot has to improvise a bit to get closer to the man doing all the poisoning.  And hey, it is a spy story, so it wouldn’t be complete without Chickenbot seducing the girlfriend of one of the major players in the plot. Any more would give away too much for my tastes, but a few James Bond bits are cleverly included, there were so many genuinely funny pages that I had real trouble picking just one (and only settled on this one because it’s vague enough to not give anything too major away) and things have been set up nicely for the next issue. His website is currently about 2/3 of the way through this issue, so head on over there and check it out if you like, but at this point people should really be getting on that Chickenbot bandwagon regardless.  Also, as of an older update on his site, he seems to be getting down on the whole webcomics thing, which is perfectly understandable for people who aren’t independently wealthy and have a functioning brain. I’ll bet a few orders from you folks would perk him right up, and you’re only hurting yourself by not reading this series, so do the right thing, eh?  No price listed, but something this hefty should be in the $5 range.

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