Martin, Amy – The Girls are Mighty Fine


The Girls are Mighty Fine

In case I haven’t made it clear enough in past reviews of Amy’s work, her stuff is perfect for the women fans of comics who don’t like fantasy or other genres that women creators are currently involved in.  It’s also pretty damned good for the rest of us who enjoy funny, insightful and occasionally moving stories.  This is a hefty collection of odds and ends.  There’s an excellent reaction to a catcall, the ubiquity of “he’s never going to change” in advice given out, a fantastically unintentional game of “telephone,” the morning after, spring fever, bloody hell, magnolias, and a few short strips.  Then we get to the bits with Amy as a child, and it caused an odd feeling in me: I think that it’s heartwarming.  My heart is not warmed by many things, as it too often bubbles over into cheesy, but this stuff hit just the right tone.  There’s Amy playing, Amy waiting for a doctor and observing a much sicker baby come in, and the differences in reactions to Easter between young and old Amy.  Finally there are some true life tales of Amy’s job as a children’s librarian, which also manage to be adorable without overdoing it.  Sure, there’s a piece or two in here that I could have done without, but who cares? This is a solid collection of stories, and if you’re not already a fan of her work, this will probably convince you.  If you are already a fan you probably already have this, and I’m sorry to have wasted your time.  $7

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