Levin, Matt – Walking Man Comics #71


Walking Man Comics #71

I don’t care if the guy does make comics based around different stamps he’s managed to find, getting to #71 in the small press comics world is still a big deal.  This one is a bit more defined than some of his past issues that I’ve seen, as there’s a distinct story happening and more than a few stamps that he’s working with.  It’s all about, as you can see from that cover, a super hero frog.  He mostly flies around, being all super hero like, and we get to see his origin story: playing with chemicals while being struck by lightning.  Kids, that is a sure-fire way to get super powers.  I’m also not entirely sure why a frog would need a fiery steed, but it sounds good to me.  It almost seems like there’s a page missing between 6 and 7, as I’m not entirely sure what the little guy was upset about.  Other than that it’s an entertaining story, if a bit sloppy here and there (or maybe his super power on page 5 involved his having a tinier pair of legs dangling behind his regular legs), but a fun read.  I think you should dig up any old stampers you have laying around and e-mail the guy to see if he could use them, as I’m all for increasing the variety of his stamper collection. $1

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