Life is Good #4
Steve apparently decided to skip all that character development stuff this time around and went with an issue that was all about drinking and hanging out with an asshole. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, this still being a free country for at least another week and all, but it was a little jarring. Brownie is on top of the world and heads off to a bar that is celebrating happy hour all day. Apparently he found a job? That should warrant at least a mention. Anyway, he meets Charles at the bar, but Sewer Gator is with him, and the two of them start a drinking contest. Brownie finally convinces Charles to ditch the loser, but he is drunk so his definition of “ditching” involves telling the guy where they are going to escape his company. A literal pissing contest ensues and, without giving too much more away, I do very much approve of the depiction of cops as literal fuzz. It ends up being a pretty funny comic, but I was just starting to get a wee bit invested in the characters and only fleeting references to their lives are included in this issue. Ah well, can’t have everything, and a good comic is still a good comic even if it’s not exactly what I was looking for. It’s smaller than the other ones, so it’s a measly $2 this time around if you’re just looking to give the series a try.