Seck, Steve – Life is Good #2


Life is Good #2

Hippies!  You see a couple of them on the cover, looming over the city like some bespectacled Godzillas.  Godzilli?  I don’t think there was ever a need for a plural of “Godzilla,” so who knows?  Anyway, hippies are a good chunk of the theme this issue, as Charles wakes up from another drunken bender to hear two hippies bemoaning the sad state of his pond before it devolves into an argument about bumper stickers.  Naturally, they decide to team up on some sort of crusade that isn’t clearly defined yet, but there are still two more issues to come in this pile, so I’m sure all will be made clear later.  Meanwhile Brownie wakes up after that same bender, needing to get down to the unemployment office, with very little time to spare and no money.  After not doing much but getting drunk for a few days he doesn’t look all that presentable, and that’s not necessarily the best shape to enter an unemployment office in.  Good news follows, unexpectedly so, but you have to realize that this would be a pretty boring comic if it really stayed good news, right?  It’s another solid issue, and damned relatable to me in my current unemployed state (except for the whole “getting unemployment checks” angle; no, nobody pays me to write on my own website about comics.) The character development is still a bit on the thin side, but this is a funny book, not something that is designed to delve into the past of these two and find out why Charles is so lazy.  A couple of clues would be nice, but it’s early in the series yet and Steve still does an excellent job of nailing the funny bits.  Check it out already, chances are it will make you smile, and there’s not a thing wrong with that.  $4

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