Brookes, Gareth – Sherlock Holmes vs. Skeletor


Sherlock Holmes vs. Skeletor

I feel for anybody reading these reviews every day and trying to get some sort of consistency out of them, I really do.  One day I’ll say never to judge a book by its cover, and the next I’ll get something like this in the mail, see that title and “Gareth Brookes” on the front, and it will be clear quickly that the cover won me over completely.  Ah well, consistency is for the weak!  This is, as you may have guessed, about the feud between Sherlock Holmes and Skeletor.  What, didn’t you hear about that one?  If you’re looking for apocalyptic action as depicted on that cover you might be disappointed; if you’re in it for the funny you’re going to go away very satisfied indeed.  This is a series of pranks between the two, um, “men”, and it took a few pages for me to get that Holmes even knew that Skeletor existed.  It seems a shame to spoil even one of these pranks by revealing them here, but as a reviewer I suppose that the spoiling of fun is, like it or not, in my job description, so here goes: potato, Aniston, “it burns”, wattage, poo, cheating, birds, and an infernal contraption.  There, that seems vague enough.  Look, if you’ve been reading this site for any length of time you should know that getting a book from Gareth Brookes is as close to a sure thing as you can get in this medium.  If not, search around a bit and check out some of the older reviews.  Really, all this rambling is irrelevant, as one look at that cover should be enough to convince you one way or the other.  If it’s the negative way I mourn for the lack of fun in your life, if it’s the other way you won’t be disappointed.

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