Jay, Damien – The Natural World #3


The Natural World #3

We’re back to the characters from the first issue this time around, as Damien’s master plan starts coming more into focus.  Well, just barely, but I am going with the theory that he has a master plan at work.  He even changed the outfits of the bandits from the end of the last issue (he will send you a copy of #2 with the altered outfits if you’re that neurotic about it, although he used a nicer word) because that fits in with his plan for the whole series, and I’m all for that level of foresight.  The hermit from the last issue doesn’t make an appearance, but we do learn that Edith (last seen having sex with Reeve in the first issue) is accused of being a witch, Walter is still wandering around the forest talking to himself (although this time he appears to be on mushrooms), and the bandits are essentially 12 year old boys who fight amongst themselves for little reason.  The only trouble with a series like this is that it’s hard to build up a complex story when it’s only coming out once or twice a year, but I’m not sure what the alternative is.  Somebody like Bill Gates could come out as a fan of small press comics and give everybody who ever made a mini comic $10,000, but that seems sadly unlikely.  So we just have to be content with the occasional blasts of brilliance like this, with a creepy and somehow childlike man getting hugged by trees, a man who cheated on his wife trying desperately to convince what is almost an angry mob not to jump to hasty conclusions about a supposed witch, and bandits with a new set of clothes for what I’m sure is a perfectly reasonable reason in the mind of the author.  $4

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