Consiglio, Tony – Double Cross #15


Double Cross #15

It’s like I’m out of Tony’s comics all over again, as this is the last one I have to ramble about on this website.  For those of you reading this site in the future and wondering what the order of the reviews is on this page… forget about it.  Chronologically speaking they’re all over the place, so focus on the art instead, OK?  This is the second part of his More Or Less story, which is reprinted in a collection above, but since I haven’t looked at that in years I’m going to go ahead and assume that it didn’t reprint this entire issue, and thus it’s OK for me to bring it up again.  Hey, even if it did reprint the whole thing the world (the tiny part of it that reads this website, anyway) needs to be periodically reminded of Tony’s work.  This is the story of a night in the life of Tony, as he has to attend a family dinner for his grandma’s birthday.  He relates trying to work out to get her with his mother, when he should show up for dinner (and when he actually shows up), dealing with his brother when he tries to pass Oasis off as “just like the Beatles”, and shows a very frank and human family dinner.  To top it all off he gets home earlier than his roommate expected, and I won’t even try to describe what he finds there.  Tony is probably the only comic creator around who can misspell words like crazy (OK, he only misses a few) and not have it bug me, and that is probably due entirely to his reaction to a Dave Sim speech at SPACE in Ohio 5 or 6 years ago.  It’s a funny story but I don’t want to post it here (unless I already did somewhere, and in that case “oops”), so ask me about it sometime.  Lucky for you Tony has a fair chunk of his work in print in collections, or close enough to being in print that you could find it with a little persistence and help from the Google.  Trust me, it’s worth the effort. $2

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