Stanley, David – The Sins of the Archons

Website (down as of 4/5/10)

The Sins of the Archons

You know, I can’t say that I’ve thought about it much before David Stanley, but why not use the cover page to keep on telling the story? Sure, I guess some covers look pretty cool, but when you’re dealing with a tiny mini, why not squeeze some more story into it? I think he had a good idea. This one is all about the creation myth, specifically how the Earth was created and the story behind Adam and Eve. The twist is that these are Gnostic creation myths, even though they sound an awful lot like the ones in the Bible. Oh no, could it be that the Bible isn’t literally true? Sorry, not to offend any of you fundamentalist types out there, but those people probably just ignore any information that conflicts with their tiny worldview anyway. It’s interesting, and tiny, and the gods in here resemble the Old Testament God a whole bunch, at least in terms of pettiness and anger. It’s probably $1, it’s an interesting read and it doesn’t have a proper cover! Run for your lives! Contact info is up there…

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