Chickenbot’s Odd Jobs #1
Are you one of the people who read Eric H.’s Odd Jobs #1, or perhaps saw the review for it on this site? Well, Eric has decided to put that whole story out in one issue, so this one is #1 of that series as well as the conclusion of the story. It would have been roughly two issues, if you were curious. You can read the review for that issue here, but to sum up: Chickenbot goes to a temp agency to make some cash. He picks the job of werewolf hunter, sets off to a town terrorized by said werewolf and has a series of occurrences that convince him that the people being terrorized are fairly worthless, but can’t leave until (contractually) until he finishes the job. The first issue (although I guess this is going to be the only issue from now on) ended with Chickenbot confronting said werewolf, but we really didn’t get to see much of the fight… until now. The rest of the story is the fight with the werewolf (and Chickenbot’s weapons all fail in spectacular fashion), followed in the morning by the fight with the child who is the werewolf on full moons. No spoilers from me, but that was some funny stuff right there. Eric is putting pages up at his website for free (which is a good thing, as I don’t see any way to order the comics from his website), so if you go there now you’ll be about a third of the way through the second part of the story. As for the comic as a whole I thought it was great stuff. His fight scenes were funny and suspenseful (a difficult bridge to walk), and as for the ending… well, how else is a werewolf supposed to be put under control? If you already read the first issue of this series you’re required to get this to see how it ends, if not, well, the whole story is now in one convenient package, even if it does seem to be tricky to purchase at the moment. Check out his website and maybe bug the guy, if he sent me a copy then he must have them lying around somewhere. No price either, but as this is two issues, let’s say $4.