Molech, Jack – Church Vs. State


Church Vs. State

On occasion here at the old Sloth I go out on a limb with a comic, as contact information is often scarce, or the book is over 5 years old and I don’t have any idea how accurate it might be, those sorts of things. This one is a doozy. No name (the e-mail goes to, so I’m assuming that the guy is named Jack Molech. And you know what you get when you assume…), no clue of when this was made, and the only real clue is that this was made by something called “Naked Chick Publications”. Seriously, try and Google that. You probably shouldn’t do it at work or you’ll get in trouble (unless you work in porn), but no useful information. So why post this up here at all? Because I love a mystery and, well, why the hell not post it? I’m sure plenty of the books I list here have invalid e-mails or home addresses by this point anyway. So how about the comic? It’s a mildly amusing history of various religious leaders and how their followers did after the leaders died. The whole thing turns deadly serious in the last few pages, reminding us how the separation of church and state is under attack at the moment, and that’s one of the fundamental reasons for our liberty. So, is it a serious book or a joke? Or both, and the guy just felt the need for a moral of the story to round it out? Who knows, but it’s worth seeking out, even though the art is sloppy and the writing is all over the place. Or maybe I’m just a glutton for punishment and regular people wouldn’t like this at all… $.50

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