Leuszler, Michael – Drawn From Experience


Drawn From Experience

Here’s a collection of short gag strips and one page stories from a guy who says that he’s been “lurking in the fringes” of the small press scene for 15 years, trying to get back into comics. I say good for him, because while some of these are pretty dated (there’s one about DC setting up a hotline on whether Robin should live or die from the late 80’s, for example), they’re generally pretty funny, or at least funny enough for me to want to see more of what Michael can do today. Tons of random stuff in here, including the perils of office romance, Hatman, Leo the Lion, a giant cockroach, finding motivation, a convention stand-out, and a couple of other random gags. Like I said, pretty funny overall, it makes me wonder what else he has up his sleeve. I’d say this is a buck or two, but you can always send him an e-mail to find out for sure…

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