Keavney, Martha – Badly Drawn Comics #7


Badly Drawn Comics #7

This is one of those comics where I don’t really know what to say. The art isn’t very good, but you can tell that from the title of the book and if the author doesn’t have a problem with it, why should I? I thoroughly enjoyed the main story, The Mix-Up, in this one. Let me try to sum it up for you. Martha gets a job by convincing her employer that she is dating someone when she’s single. She calls on a female friend to help her out for the night, and she’ll hook Martha up with a supposedly gay friend if Martha transports the dead body of her cousin to the funeral home. Things get even more confusing when they get to dinner, and there are all kinds of twists and turns thrown in. It all goes together a lot better than I thought it would and it was pretty funny. How could you ask for more? Pretty much the only thing that I didn’t like were some of the gag strips, as they just weren’t suited to my sense of humor. I think that was what put me off about some of both of these two issues, even though they definitely both had enough to make them worth checking out. They’re done pretty well and it’s obvious that Martha is an extremely intelligent woman, it’s just that they seemed kind of… plain at times. That’s probably a horrible way to describe it, but that’s the best that I can come up with. Regardless, The Dead-End Job, The Mix-Up and some of the shorter pieces were great, and that’s almost the whole book right there. If you’re incredibly worried about the art, you can tell by her website that she has improved over the years. So, even though I can’t point to anything as being that specifically bad and the things I can point to were actually pretty good, I’m left with an impression of “eh”. Maybe because that’s just been my mood all day, I don’t know. That should show all of you who are trying to read these things and expect an intelligent analysis of these comics… Seriously though, go to her site and decide for yourself. There are all kinds of samples there. And here’s a couple from me:

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