Jones, Arthur – 900 lb. Gorilla


900 lb. Gorilla

The world needs more funny books! I’ve been saying this for years, as the number of truly funny comics gets smaller and smaller. Here’s a great one to add to the list. It’s about, strangely enough, a 900 pound gorilla. The story is all over the place, but who cares? Jesus and Satan enjoy a day at the beach, the gorilla beats up some beach bums, Superman is a creep and gets beat up by the gorilla, and the world ends. Sort of. Whatever, this is more about jokes than it is about continuity, and it succeeds wonderfully in that. Of course, I’m a sucker for monkeys of any kind, so I’m hardly an impartial judge. Still, go to this incredible website and tell me that you don’t love this guy. If you still don’t, read the sample down here. If you’re still not convinced, for the love of all the holy babies, lighten up. There’s no price on this and it doesn’t seem to be on the website, but I’m sure you can e-mail Arthur to see.

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