Indovina, Mike – Satyr #1


Satyr #1

That’s one good thing about picking up comics from three years ago at a convention: if you like it, chances are that there are plenty of newer issues with which to feed your habit. Judging from the website, there’s at least a whole graphic novel (of the first four issues and a new story) out there, so that leaves plenty more to look forward to. What about the comic? Oh yeah. This is heavily based in mythology, and most of this issue is the retelling of the The Cyclops story by Euripides. I love the panel layout, with the satyrs holding up panels, jumping in to interfere when they feel like it and just causing a general feeling of mayhem. The ongoing story here is that Dionysus has come back to life for 24 hours but is captured almost immediately. Nothing really happens with it in this issue, just a general meeting to decide what to do about it. I only brought that up in case you got the idea that this was just a string of retelling myths. Um, anyway, good first issue, and the fact that he kept going and has a library sitting there now is a very good sign. Here’s that website again, this one is $2.95.

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