The Orgasmic Faces of Lucifer
Is there a word for a comic that’s barely even half comic, with the rest of it being sketchbook filler? “Halfsies”, maybe? There needs to be a word for it so people can avoid it right off the bat if they’re looking for a whole comic. I bring this up, obviously, because this is one of those. It’s a damned shame too, as the story in here is pretty funny. Titled “He-Man Goes To A Party”, you can probably guess what it’s about. The various other characters don’t want to invite Prince Adam (He-Man’s alter-ego, for those of you who didn’t watch this cartoon as a kid) to the party because they see him as a narc. Eventually they run out of beer, so decide to call the guy to bring some beers, but Prince Adam has already called the cops because of the noise. What follows is an unfortunately brief scene of mayhem. The only other thing that could even slightly be called a story here is a two pager that starts and putters out because Ryan got tired of it, then many pages of pinups and sketchbook stuff. Well, not all that many pages, really. I like his art a lot, which is what makes this such a frustrating comic. There’s potential for a lot more from this guy, at least from the tiny bits I’ve seen here, but this comic doesn’t come close to covering that ground. No price, so let’s say $2.