All Dressed Up and Nowhere To Go
Now that’s just a great cover. I don’t know how many of you love to dig through those cheesy old Tales From the Crypt and Haunt of Fear collections, but this book got all kinds of points from me with the cover alone. Once you open up the book you see the theme continued, with zombies and various dead people all over the place. My main problem here is the fact that I’m biased towards longer pieces and I don’t think anything in here was longer than four pages. An unreasonable, silly quibble, but hey, I’m the one writing this, right? Stories here deal with zombies on the job, cannibal monkeys, illusions and hell. And there are pages just with pictures of zombies here, so you can’t go wrong there. Seriously, if anybody wants a good review from me you should send me a comic all about zombies standing around yelling at each other. Go to his website, he has pretty much the whole comic up there to read, and you can also get ordering information. So overall I guess you could say that I liked the art a lot and wished for a bit more substance in some of the stories, but that it was a fun read. Check out his comics!