Dog-Eared #3
There are tough reviews that I do here, and there are easy reviews. This is one of the easy ones. Dog-Eared is another book that I got at SPACE, and it’s a collection of one panel gag strips, kind of like Far Side. What makes this review so easy? Well, for a book like this, there’s not much plot or story to talk about. That means that the strips are either funny or not funny, and I have to say that I didn’t even crack a smile once during this book. Humor is subjective, granted, and I’m sure there are people out there who would find this funny. Whether they’re reading this website or not is something I’m not sure about, but I’ve read enough really stupid and unfunny comics in the newspaper to know that people like that sort of thing. This was a bad, bad book. If you have a morbid curiosity about the whole thing, go to his website and check it out. Hell, maybe the other books were funny, I don’t know. As for samples, I usually pick out the parts of comics that I think are funniest or most well done for this part, and I honestly just picked a couple of pages at random at this one. Enjoy, or at least read it quickly…