Right off the bat, I want to say that this was sent to me in a CD format, meaning that the only way I could read it was to use my computer. I was kind of holding off on reviewing anything other than printed comics until I felt that I had the printed field covered (I’m still a long way from that), but getting one in the mail changed my mind. All that being said, it’s possible that I’m a moron with computers and just don’t know how to make this one even, but I’m basing my review on what I saw and, frankly, it was a mess. By “mess” I don’t mean that the story was bad or nothing interesting happened, I mean it was just plain messy. For the first 20 pages or so especially I felt like I could take a red marker and change just about every sentence to make it grammatically correct. I know, my grammatical glass house is shattering around me, but I’m not putting out comics so I have a bit more leeway. It improved after that, but it still looked dirty. There were smudges everywhere, the text size (and panel size, but that might have been for story purposes) fluctuated wildly, and the art was very static. There were only a few panels where I thought the characters could possibly ever move. With all that negative, I do want to say that the story did improve as it went on. I was into it by the end, even if all the little technical details were still bugging the hell out of me. My advice to the man or woman who sent me this would be to work on the basics. That elf flying through the car window was great, as was the bit with the first trucker crashing off the road. Make me work for my bad review and cut out the stuff that’s easy for me to nitpick about. You can e-mail the author or visit the website to see what I’m talking about. This is the proposed first book in a series, so we should be seeing a lot more of them.