Campbell, Jim – Out Damn P. Volume 17 #4


Out Damn P. Volume 17 #4

Sure, the number’s probably fake, but who cares? It’s his comic. He can number it any damned way he pleases. Before I start, if you hate my reviews but like learning about the new folks, go here. This entire issue is available online at his website, so you can just go there, read it, and come back to see if you agree with me. Isn’t this fun? Anyway, I liked this one a lot. Maybe it’s just been a good week, except it hasn’t, so that must mean that I’ve seen a lot of great comics this week. There are three stories in here. One’s about an invisible boy, one’s about pork trying to get a squirrel to write his essay, and the other one is about a guy who’s wearing a dog hat quitting his job. A lot more to them all than that, obviously, but you can read it all for yourself for free if you’re that curious. After looking at his website a little more, I have to concede that his numbering system might be accurate after all. Quite a few comics are available for your perusal, even if some of them look a little too small to actually read if your eyes are as bad as mine. If you want to do things the old fashioned way and actually buy this comic, I think my copy was $5.

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