Scenes From Gay Bars
Here’s another of the Shiot Crock #11 comics (found around here somewhere in the forums), and I’m still not sure if I should review them completely as their own separate comics or as part of a larger whole.This one is, as that title might indicate, scenes from a gay bar. Sketches of faces, conversations, the odd butt here and there, a barely heard conversation. It’s a fascinating wordless little book, but it’s sloppy as can be (as it is all taken from a sketchbook, probably in a darkened bar) and probably not that great of a book taken on its own. Taken as part of the greater whole of Shiot Crock though, it’s a great addition. It’s possible that that doesn’t make any sense at all, but believe me, it’s all perfectly clear in my head. I’d like to see something by Shane that wasn’t done in a sketchbook, just to check out a less sketchy version of his art. So what’s the conclusion to all this rambling? So-so book on its own, unless you’re a real big fan of sketch art, but it complements the greater anthology that is Shiot Crock quite nicely…