Bocianowski, Mike – Chuck the Ugly American Book Two: Bootleg


Chuck The Ugly American Book Two: Bootleg

Where do I begin? With the ridiculous, infantile pro-American rant that manages to raise a good point or two but is mostly just silly? With the truncated, taken-out-of-context quote from Matt Groening on the back of the book? How about the overall stupidity of the book itself? Sorry, but this was hard to read. I always try to say something positive about books that I review, even when I think that there’s no redeeming quality to them at all, so here goes: I could see where some people in the world would think that a few pages of this book would be funny. That’s the best I can do. How many times can the main character say “My butt itches” before it stops being funny? What’s that you say? It wouldn’t be funny even once? If that’s your opinion, you’re going to want to steer clear of this. This is the story of Chuck, who seems to be a thinly veiled Hulk clone with a slightly more angry attitude. He goes along with some friends to find something or other in the rain forest… yeah, it’s vague, but it was painful to read this and I’m not going back to check. The group splits up, they lick toads, the women come in to save the day, he rips off a couple of ten year old Simpsons jokes, and that’s it. E-mail him to see if he has anything available if you want to, or you could just turn the computer off and punch yourself in the face a few times, it might be less painful…

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