Alexander, Jed – Yellow Baby #1



Yellow Baby #1

It’s always fun to see new people starting out with one of the big comic companies. My opinion is mostly my usual, wishy-washy “it has potential”. Most of the book is made up of a story called “Turtle, turtle”, about a kid growing up in a town that’s on the back of a giant turtle. Not sure what that has to do with anything yet, as it’s mostly about the trouble the kid has fitting in. He’s half Jewish and half Mexican you see, so he doesn’t fit in anywhere. It was the weakest part of the book, although I could easily see it picking up with more chapters. Then there’s “Free Ideas”, a story where Jed bemoans the lack of fresh ideas most people have and offers up a few of his own, to be used wherever anyone needs them. Some great stuff in here, including “Jesus Christland”, “Necrotard Superspaz”, and monster porn. The other two, about a “man” who breaks his la la and his kid and about some kids pouring new little boys into a mold, are mostly just disturbing. I liked the comic overall. Some parts were stronger than others, sure, but it’s his first effort (although I’m sure there were minis somewhere that I didn’t see for it to be this good) and there’s a lot here that could turn out to be great. It’s $3.95, and supposedly it’ll come out three times a year. E-mail the guy or check out his site!

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