Yoder, David – Lou Season #1


Lou Season #1

Ah, the wonders of elementary school. Combine that with the fact that the lead character here is a walking, talking duck, and you have all kinds of awkwardness. I don’t know much about Lou, except for the fact that he’s having a hard time getting into school, and that’s fine, it’s irrelevant to the story. This is all about Lou dealing with bullies, not noticing a girl and declaring the class gerbil as his new best friend. No way in the world is this his first comic (the art is way too polished and impressive), so I’m automatically curious about what else he’s done, as this one was just a blast all the way through. You can’t go wrong with a fun comic that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Here’s an e-mail address for more info, and oh these FLUKE people and their utter lack of cover prices. Oh well. Let’s call it $3 and call it a day.

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