From the Curve #6
I’ll get to it in a minute, but I’ve sampled here what I think is what autobiographical comics are supposed to be. That’s saying a lot, sure, and I’m not saying that this is the single best page ever, just what other people writing about their lives should aspire to. Got it? This one has a hockey story, Robert getting stood up (sort of) at a bar, the Hulk watching football, and a frustrating situation at work. Predictably (for me), the longer stories worked better than the shorter ones. Not that there weren’t a couple of funny moments in the one pagers, but I would have rather seen him develop the “date” story more or just expand a few more stories in general. I can tell that this guy is going to do great things eventually, I’m just impatient waiting for him to get around to it. Put out more comics! By the way, #7 is out. I’m just bitching because #8 isn’t out yet… Contact info is all above here, $2 for this one.