Mint On Your Pillow #5
It’s been a long time between comics (at least the ones that I’ve seen), but Rebecca is still going strong. This is the most linear and coherent of the Mints yet, as it deals mostly with her time teaching art to small children of various ages and the hazards associated with it. Well, maybe not so much “hazards” as “shenanigans”. Those kids will eat anything. Also in here are stories about hanging out with her friends, drinking margueritas, making peanut butter cups, and some unfortunately tiny text here and there, but she says the pages are up on her website so don’t worry about it. One minor complaint: please make sure all the words fit on the page. I know this is almost impossible with some copiers (and/or the staff running the copiers), but I’m still not entirely sure what was said there on page 4. Something about watching cats. Regardless, good stuff again, and still delightfully cheap at $1.