Unshaven Chi #4
OK, Ben sent me a whole bunch of books this past weekend. Instead of putting them all up here (a bunch of them don’t appear to be in print anyway), I thought I’d just go with the two most recent issues so you could get an idea of what the guy is all about. I’m mostly just posting covers too, just because I like some of his covers. A general overview of his stuff: it’s good. There’s so much variety that it’s hard to make a blanket statement like that, and I didn’t like all of the stuff he sent me by any means, but he’s prolific, so he can work through weaknesses a lot faster than some people and I think this one was the strongest of the bunch. Autobio done well, and that’s always good to see. He has a deal going on where you can send him $5 and get a bunch of his older comics. That’s the best overview for what he’s done, but for the best look at what I think he’s capable of you should get the issues of Unshaven Chi and give him a chance to experiment.