This is the best one in the bunch, at least so far. Shuck has to deal with what’s happening with his old job of watching over souls when they all escape from the creature that was supposed to replace him. If this all sounds too gothic or weird for some of you, it’s really not. It has its own view of things, and this guy is confident that he’s going to be around for a while because he only reveals a few tiny things per issue, but this could be read and enjoyed by just about everybody. What is it these days, 5 issues and then you put them into a graphic novel? If and when he does that, I’ll be at the head of the line telling you all to get it. This is the kind of stuff that’s better in one sitting, but still enough of an ongoing series that you’re not annoyed waiting a month between issues. Yes, you read that right, this book has started off monthly. I don’t know if they can keep up that kind of pace, as it’s been known to make people crazy and I wouldn’t mind having a late issue or two as long as the quality is the same when it does come out. Still, it’s an admirable goal, and at least possible with two people working on it.