Simmons, Josh – Jessica Farm


Jessica Farm

The good news? This is huge and quite possibly my favorite comic that Josh has done. The bad news? It won’t be done until 2050. Seriously. He’s doing one page of this a month so, assuming we all live so long, that’s about when he thinks he’ll wrap this story out. Ambitious, to say the least, but I hope he at least has the decency to throw us another one of these big books every five years or so. This is the story of Jessica Farm on Christmas Day, waking up to learn that there’s a pile of presents waiting for her downstairs. This news is blunted somewhat by the fact that her father, who is portrayed as a shadowy monster, is waiting for her and things aren’t going to go well for her when she does open those presents. So she drops completely into a fantasy world of her toys, a tower and a lover, and the creepiest closet I’ve ever seen. Christ, every bit of this, from the reluctant guardian of a closet, to a mariachi band that seems to exist only to serve her, to her lover who wants more than she’s willing to give, to… well, I’ve already probably said too much. There’s no rush to get this if you’re looking for any sense of closure, obviously, but I really think that he hasn’t done a better comic than this. $4

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