Sim, Dave – Cerebus Volume 4: Church and State Part 2


Cerebus Volume 4: Church and State part 2

Wow. Mick and Keef, Cirin, The Judge… what you have there is almost everybody who is important to the storyline all in one book. Don’t forget the return of Astoria. What keeps this from being the best of the books is the ending, and I can’t really talk about that here. As for the rest of the book, well, it’s fantastic. Probably the best of the series right up until #102 or so. Secret Sacred Wars Roach, Dirty Drew and Fleagle, Elrod, and all the rest, it’s probably the funniest of the book up until this point too. I’m pretty sure that title belongs to Guys, although I’m not there again yet. It starts off with Cerebus, almost dead with his brush with Epop and without a clue what to do. I really don’t want to ruin anything for you people that haven’t read it, there’s just much goodness in here and most of it is because of surprises. If you’re just not sure if you should buy this one and already have the first book… well, that could never happen, because I can remember how the first book ended. If you want to buy this book first or something, don’t be stupid.

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