Debacle #5 Now Available! $1 (or $6 for #1-6)
I think this may be the first thing I’ve seen from Barry that was just plain bad. Don’t get me wrong, it still had a moment or two, but this is the first issue of the Debacle pile that I wouldn’t recommend getting all by itself. As part of the 6 issue set, well, fine. There’s one big story this issue that wanders all over the place. A young man is bored, so he’s given robot seeds. His seeds, however, are defective, as the robot that springs up sees hats everywhere. The lack of actual hats causes an explosion, which leads to a fight, which leads to more wandering around. The story, meandering though it may be, wasn’t the problem. The art was terrible. Barry does occasionally walk the minimalist line, but this time around it looked for the entire issue like he was rushing to get someplace he’d rather be. Good chunks of the text still had pencil outlines underneath them, there’s never much of a background besides clouds, and the linework on damned near everything looked like he did this while riding a very bumpy train. The recurring joke still almost makes this worth a look but, like I said, as part of the set. Get this all by itself and you’ll probably be disappointed. $1