Newtown P.D. #1
I’m actually reviewing this issue after I did the second one (this is 5/12/03). so I already have a pretty good idea in my head of what I think of this concept. Scroll down to the second one if you’re curious. This issue is the first day on the job for Carlos, from his worrying about how he looks in his uniform to wondering what he should say when he’s stuck in the elevator with the Chief. One of the things I like the best about this series is that Carlos never seems to lose sight of the fact that he’s not inherently superior to the people he’s writing about, and that’s something I wonder about a lot of cops. It’s a pretty quiet day in general. He has to deal with somebody running away when the cops chase him and a couple of domestic disputes. My main problem with the series is how messy it looks, but this was his first issue and the second one does look better, if still kind of messy. It’s still fun to read and should be even better when he works the minor bugs out. Check it out if you want to see cops portrayed as human beings, contact info is below…