Rhodes, Matt – Jorge the Robot #5

Website (broken as of 4/4/10)

Jorge the Robot #5

I need to mention something here: this guy is 13. 13! How on earth does he even fold and staple these things, not to mention everything else? Color me amazed, unless he has a few people helping him, and I don’t think he has adults helping him because he uses the word “shit” a few times. Doesn’t he know that no adult has ever said “shit”, thereby making it not cool to say? Anyway, the comic. The biggest problem is the lettering, as it’s sloppy. Other than that it’s a fun book. The first story is about Jorge going to see a movie, with all the hijinx that usually come from going to the movies. The second story is about Jorge getting a job, until he realizes that robots don’t need jobs. Altogether, it’s a bit unpolished (I did mention that he’s 13, right?), but keep it up, Matt! You can take over the the world by the time you’re 18 if you keep this up. Website! $1.50

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