Reinwald, Josh & Rosenberg, Justin – Crass Sophisticate #23



Crass Sophisticate #23

Huzzah for Google and people searching for their own names!  I don’t know how often that’s been the reason that I get new comics to review, but I’d have to guess it’s been responsible for a solid chunk of them.  There’s only one big story this time around, the tale of young Justin (so maybe he’s the writer and Josh is the artist?) and his realization at an early age that he going to need some kind of help to attract the attention of women.  He sees an ad in a magazine to learn how to play guitar and, as the guitar came included for $30, he went for it.  Naturally, this was only a toy guitar, but he decided to make the best of it and even wrote a song for a girl at school that he liked (who happened to be dating a big dumb jock) and, well, you can probably put together what happened from there.  The interesting thing to me about this story (as the conclusion was fairly predictable, if still funny) was how Justin wandered around so much during his issue-long flashback.  His cousin wanders into the flashback a couple of times (with his ham), more or less just to liven up the action.  There’s also a really hilarious moment when old Justin goes back to the fateful day, hoping to talk his younger self out of making a fool out of himself, but gets distracted by a phone call.  In the meantime his cousin shows up, also attempting to talk him out of it, but young Justin just doesn’t believe that they’re all going to laugh at him.  Of course, at the end of the day Justin has the comfort of knowing exactly how all those people who tormented him turned out, so at least there’s that.  The comic kind of fizzles out towards the end, as it dissolves into an argument about Arby’s.  Still, on the whole, that some funny shit.  Worth checking out, and I will always be at least mildly impressed once somebody gets their comic over #20.  $2


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